Evans West Valley Spray Co Inc Coupons

13252 Berwick St, Saratoga, CA, 95070, US

Evans West Valley Spray Co Inc

The story of Evans West Valley Spray spans generations. As Mike and Leo, would put it, they were born into the business. Both have followed a family tradition of getting into the business with their fathers before setting out on their own. In fact, Mike Evans was working a truck along with his father as early as 5 years old. Years later, while attending De Anza College he started to develop his own spraying jobs. He worked side by side with his father and his brothers until 1991 when he got his set up his own pest control and tree spraying business. Leo was also born into a large family with his father working as a head grounds keeper and golf course superintendent for over 35 years. Leo started working with the Evans family business in 1989.

Expires: March 06, 2027

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