Linda Coupons

Central Ave, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87110, US

Because life happens

A ONE TIME ONLY coupon for when "life just happens" to extend your due date and time 24 hours (Care Plans: Saturday for Sunday @ 2159 OR/EITHER Reflection/Smart Goals: Friday 2159 for Saturday 2159). This can be redeemed only ONCE for EITHER your care plan/or your Reflection/Smart goal. NO assignment is excused...BUT that one can be given a 24 hour grace extension. (Friendly reminder-If no care plan or Reflection/Smart goal is turned ON time, UNLESS OKAYED BY INSTRUCTOR, a zero will be given for that week's CP.) Instructor must be notified by text BEFORE the assignment due, that you are using your coupon.

Expires: December 04, 2016

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