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Try it useful tool!

I want to introduce you to the passive voice detector. This is a tool that will be useful to those whose life is connected with writing texts. The detector will detect in your texts the incorrect use of the active or passive voice, as well as grammatical errors. It will then offer you options to fix them. This tool can be used by students, academic writers, journalists, copywriters, business professionals, or anyone who wants to improve their writing. It is easy to use and works to improve any form of writing to the best possible form.

Expires: February 25, 2022

Bella Tomilson

651 Chicago Avenue
Kent, Kent 173548

Try it useful tool!

I want to introduce you to the passive voice detector. This is a tool that will be useful to those whose life is connected with writing texts. The detector will detect in your texts the incorrect use of the active or passive voice, as well as grammatical errors. It will then offer you options to fix them. This tool can be used by students, academic writers, journalists, copywriters, business professionals, or anyone who wants to improve their writing. It is easy to use and works to improve any form of writing to the best possible form.

Expires: February 25, 2022

Bella Tomilson

651 Chicago Avenue
Kent, Kent 173548
