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10% OFF your purchase!

Save 10% off your entire purchase. Offer valid from January 1,2018-January 31,2018. Must be redeem and signed by florist at time of purchase. One coupon per customer. Cannot be combined with other promo or discounted orders.

Expires: January 31, 2018

Edmonton Flowers Ltd

13445 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4C7

10% OFF your purchase!

Save 10% off your entire purchase. Offer valid from January 1,2018-January 31,2018. Must be redeem and signed by florist at time of purchase. One coupon per customer. Cannot be combined with other promo or discounted orders.

Expires: January 31, 2018

Edmonton Flowers Ltd

13445 97 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5E 4C7
