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Free Pickup/Delivery OR 1/2 off Labor. Your choice with with FULL SERVICE!!

Be ready to work when Spring comes around! Choose either free pick-up and delivery OR 1/2 off labor with a FULL equipment service! Coupon only good for scheduled services! Please call 256-927-4487 between 7:30am and 5:00pm M-F to schedule your pre-season service!

Expires: February 29, 2016

Foothills Tractor

1226 E Main Street
Centre , AL 35960

Free Pickup/Delivery OR 1/2 off Labor. Your choice with with FULL SERVICE!!

Be ready to work when Spring comes around! Choose either free pick-up and delivery OR 1/2 off labor with a FULL equipment service! Coupon only good for scheduled services! Please call 256-927-4487 between 7:30am and 5:00pm M-F to schedule your pre-season service!

Expires: February 29, 2016

Foothills Tractor

1226 E Main Street
Centre , AL 35960
