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Grants Gateway

Grant funding for energy efficiency renovations depends on 75% of the combined price of the improvements, up to the optimum grant amount of ₤ 7,500, or ₤ 9,000 if the household receives the rural uplift.

Give funding for new heat pumps is up to ₤ 7,500, or ₤ 9,000 if the household qualifies for the rural uplift.

The remainder of funding requested can be taken up as an optional interest-free loan.

A grant of ₤ 2,500 is available for high heat retention storage heaters, if taken as part of a package of actions.

Expires: August 24, 2024

Grants Gateway

Fountain Business Centre
Coatbridge, - ML5 3AA
0131 618 6496

Grants Gateway

Grant funding for energy efficiency renovations depends on 75% of the combined price of the improvements, up to the optimum grant amount of ₤ 7,500, or ₤ 9,000 if the household receives the rural uplift.

Give funding for new heat pumps is up to ₤ 7,500, or ₤ 9,000 if the household qualifies for the rural uplift.

The remainder of funding requested can be taken up as an optional interest-free loan.

A grant of ₤ 2,500 is available for high heat retention storage heaters, if taken as part of a package of actions.

Expires: August 24, 2024

Grants Gateway

Fountain Business Centre
Coatbridge, - ML5 3AA
0131 618 6496
