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One Free Composition!

This coupon entitles the bearers (Emerald Greywoode AND Dalton Boston-Mammah) to an original composition of music (and, if requested, lyrics) by Jacinth Greywoode, scored for any combination of the following: piano, voice, guitar, tuba/euphonium/mellophone. Jacinth, at the bearers' discretion, will also arrange for a performance and recording of said composition on or during the events leading to the bearers' wedding day.

Expires: August 18, 2018

Jacinth Greywoode

Greywoode Music
Brooklyn, NY 11238

One Free Composition!

This coupon entitles the bearers (Emerald Greywoode AND Dalton Boston-Mammah) to an original composition of music (and, if requested, lyrics) by Jacinth Greywoode, scored for any combination of the following: piano, voice, guitar, tuba/euphonium/mellophone. Jacinth, at the bearers' discretion, will also arrange for a performance and recording of said composition on or during the events leading to the bearers' wedding day.

Expires: August 18, 2018

Jacinth Greywoode

Greywoode Music
Brooklyn, NY 11238
