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15% off all of your purchases with Mary Kay by Kimberlee!

Thank you, Teachers, for your love and support of our children!

I would like to give you a teacher's discount for life, but you must order through me and tell me "Hey, I'm a teacher!"

If you don't know what there is to offer... look here... www.marykay.com/khenager

Text or Call to order - 469-355-5118

Expires: December 31, 2100

Mary Kay by Kimberlee

1039 N. 3rd St.
Wills Point, Texas 75169

15% off all of your purchases with Mary Kay by Kimberlee!

Thank you, Teachers, for your love and support of our children!

I would like to give you a teacher's discount for life, but you must order through me and tell me "Hey, I'm a teacher!"

If you don't know what there is to offer... look here... www.marykay.com/khenager

Text or Call to order - 469-355-5118

Expires: December 31, 2100

Mary Kay by Kimberlee

1039 N. 3rd St.
Wills Point, Texas 75169
