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Buy One get One free

Buy a 7x7 burger and get one free with the purchase of a medium fries and shake. Share with a friend, brother, sister, mom, dad, or someone you don't even like. You can try our challenge and eat it all yourself within 30 minutes for a free t-shirt and your picture on the wall of fame!

Expires: February 26, 2017

Steak N' Shake

250 State St
Madison, WI 53706

Buy One get One free

Buy a 7x7 burger and get one free with the purchase of a medium fries and shake. Share with a friend, brother, sister, mom, dad, or someone you don't even like. You can try our challenge and eat it all yourself within 30 minutes for a free t-shirt and your picture on the wall of fame!

Expires: February 26, 2017

Steak N' Shake

250 State St
Madison, WI 53706
